Prof. Jonas Tegenfeldt, PhD

Solid State Physics

Book Chapters



6. “Fluorescence Microscopy of Nanochannel-Confined DNA”, Fredrik Westerlund, Fredrik Persson, Joachim Fritzsche, Jason P. Beech, Jonas O. Tegenfeldt, , invited book chapter in Methods in Molecular Biology, Single-molecule Techniques, Editor Erwin J. G. Peterman, Springer, 2018; vol 1665, pp. 173-198. Abstract

5. “Fluorescence microscopy of nanochannel confined DNA”, Fredrik Persson, Fredrik Westerlund, Jonas O. Tegenfeldt, , invited book chapter in Methods in Molecular Biology, Single-molecule Techniques, vol 783, pp. 159-179, Editors Gijs Wuite and Erwin Peterman 2011 Abstract

4. “Nanochannels for Genomic DNA Analysis: The Long and the Short of It”, Robert Riehn, Walter Reisner, Jonas O. Tegenfeldt, Yan Mei Wang, Chihkuan Tung, Shuang-Fang Lim, Edward Cox, James C. Sturm, Keith Morton,  Steven Y. Chou and Robert H. Austin.   Integrated Biochips for DNA Analysis. Edited by Robin Hui Liu and Abraham P. Lee.  Springer/Landes Bioscience.  January 7, 2008.

3. “Immunoimaging of Proteins Deposited on Catheter Exposed to Body Fluids”, Fredrik Lundberg, Jonas O. Tegenfeldt, and Åsa Ljungh, New Biomedical Materials, P. I. Haris, and D. Chapman (Eds.), IOS Press, p. 53-57 (1998)

2. “Microfabricated Arrays for Fractionation of Large DNA Molecules via Pulsed Field Electrophoresis”, O. Bakajin, T. A. J. Duke, C. F. Chou, J. Tegenfeldt, S. S. Chan, R. H. Austin, and E. C. Cox, Biological Physics, Third International Symposium, Santa Fe, 1998, AIP Proceedings 487, p. 243-8 (1998), Eds. Hans Frauenfelder, Gerhard Hummer, and Roderick Garcia

1. “A Nanosensor for Admittance Spectroscopy,” Lars Montelius, Jonas O. Tegenfeldt, and Torbjörn G. I. Ling, in Ultimate Limits of Fabrication and Measurements, edited by M. E. Welland and J. K. Gimzewski (Kluwer Academic Press, The Netherlands, 1995), pp. 115-122.

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Contact information Lund:


Jonas Tegenfeldt

Office Q142
Division of Solid State Physics
Department of Physics
Lund University
Box 118
SE-221 00 Lund

Visiting address:
Professorsgatan 1
Click here for a map!

Office Phone: +46-(0)46-222 8063 (forwarded to mobile phone)
Fax: +46-(0)46-222 3637
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Optics and fluidics labs (Q129 and Q112)
Soft lithography (PDMS) lab (Q126)
Super resolution microscopy (STED) lab (Q115)
Microbiology lab (BSL2) (Q262)

Biochemistry Lab (Q226)

Storage room (C266A)


Short CV:


2014 - present Full Professor at Solid State Physics, Lund University

2008-2014 VR-financed "Rådsforskare" (Eng: Senior Research Fellowship Award)

2003-2008 VR-financed "Forskarassistent" (Eng: Assistant Professor)

2007 Docent (Associate Professor) in Solid State Physics

1998 - 2003 PostDoc at Princeton University

1997 PhD in Solid State Physics Lund University

1991 MSc in Engineering Physics / Materials Science Uppsala University

1986 Swedish Defense Institute of Language (Military Service)


Research interests

Micro and nanotechnology to address life science problems.


  • Separation science
  • Nanofluidics
  • Polymers in confined environments
  • Tools for single-cell biology
  • Super resolution microscopy (STED)