Prof. Jonas Tegenfeldt, PhD

Solid State Physics

Review Papers



6. ” Deterministic Lateral Displacement: Challenges and Perspectives”, Hochstetter, A., R. Vernekar, R.H. Austin, H. Becker, J.P. Beech, D.A. Fedosov, G. Gompper, S.-C. Kim, J.T. Smith, G. Stolovitzky, J.O. Tegenfeldt, B.H. Wunsch, K.K. Zeming, T. Krüger, and D.W. Inglis, ACS Nano, 2020. 14(9): p. 10784-10795 Abstract


5. “Microfluidics-Based Approaches to the Isolation of African Trypanosomes”, Michael P. Barrett, Jonathan M. Cooper, Clément Regnault, Stefan H. Holm, Jason P. Beech, Jonas O. Tegenfeldt and Axel Hochstetter, Pathogens (2017), 6(4), 47 Abstract.


4. “Applications of Optical DNA Mapping in Microbiology”, Diana Bogas, Lena Nyberg, Rui Pacheco, Nuno F. Azevedo, Jason P. Beech, Margarita Gomila, Jorge Lalucat, Célia M. Manaia, Olga C. Nunes, Jonas O. Tegenfeldt, and Fredrik Westerlund, BioTechniques 62(6):255-267 (2017)  Abstract.


3. “New technologies for DNA analysis – a review of the READNA Project”, Steven McGinn et al. , New Biotechnology, Volume 33, Number 3, pages 311-330, May 2016  Abstract.


2. "DNA in nanochannels - directly visualizing genomic information", Fredrik Persson and Jonas O. Tegenfeldt, invited review paper in the themed issue: From microfluidic applications to nanofluidic phenomena, Chemical Society Reviews, 39, 985 - 999 (2010) Abstract.


1. "Micro- and nanofluidics for DNA analysis", Jonas O. Tegenfeldt, Christelle Prinz, Han Cao, Richard L. Huang, Robert H. Austin, Stephen Y. Chou, Edward C. Cox, James C. Sturm, invited review paper in special issue on Miniaturization, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 378, 1678-1692 (2004) Abstract.

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Contact information Lund:


Jonas Tegenfeldt

Office Q142
Division of Solid State Physics
Department of Physics
Lund University
Box 118
SE-221 00 Lund

Visiting address:
Professorsgatan 1
Click here for a map!

Office Phone: +46-(0)46-222 8063 (forwarded to mobile phone)
Fax: +46-(0)46-222 3637
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Optics and fluidics labs (Q129 and Q112)
Soft lithography (PDMS) lab (Q126)
Super resolution microscopy (STED) lab (Q115)
Microbiology lab (BSL2) (Q262)

Biochemistry Lab (Q226)

Storage room (C266A)


Short CV:


2014 - present Full Professor at Solid State Physics, Lund University

2008-2014 VR-financed "Rådsforskare" (Eng: Senior Research Fellowship Award)

2003-2008 VR-financed "Forskarassistent" (Eng: Assistant Professor)

2007 Docent (Associate Professor) in Solid State Physics

1998 - 2003 PostDoc at Princeton University

1997 PhD in Solid State Physics Lund University

1991 MSc in Engineering Physics / Materials Science Uppsala University

1986 Swedish Defense Institute of Language (Military Service)


Research interests

Micro and nanotechnology to address life science problems.


  • Separation science
  • Nanofluidics
  • Polymers in confined environments
  • Tools for single-cell biology
  • Super resolution microscopy (STED)